Warehouse picking and shipment apps
Barcode scanning mobile web app (React/Redux) to allow the warehouse team to pick items.
Shipments interface (React) to manage order shipments to Amazon.
Client: MyOptique Group
Please enquire for availability. A short selection of my work:
Barcode scanning mobile web app (React/Redux) to allow the warehouse team to pick items.
Shipments interface (React) to manage order shipments to Amazon.
Client: MyOptique Group
Responsive betting component built in Backbone/Marionette as a feature of the larger Pokerstars sports betting website.
Featured interaction animations for various component states.
Created whilst working for Rational Group (Amaya)
Responsive website featuring non-symmetrical custom grid system.
Build with SASS (BEM) and modular javascript on a Drupal backend.
Created whilst working for Deeson Group
Updated the existing website to be responsive and redesign the homepage.
Client: Eric Musgrave Ltd.
iPad & iPhone responsive web app.
Web app for in store (retail location) use with an interesting page transition and intro animation.
Client: Suburb
Loose leaf Tea subscription start-up.
Recurring subscription application
Responsive Wordpress build, integration with third party membership system and Mandrill email service. Branding, offline, packaging.
Client: Tea Owl
iPad & iPhone responsive web app.
Web app for in store use featuring a complex CSS3 animation splash page.
Client: Suburb
Responsive microsites and landing page template builds.
Use of Betfair's promotion APIs to create a number of templates and microsites for quick turn-around.
Client: Betfair.com/Hogarth WW
'Wizard' style user journey to simplify buying decking or gate components.
Embedded single page apps (SPA) built purely front-end using jQuery/vanilla JS, the pages use calculations involving tolerance thresholds and provide 'closest matches' options.
Created whilst working for Sagittarius
Meditation SAAS website. HTML/CSS/JS site build on bespoke .NET platform.
Led a small development team to build this project from scratch inc extensive UX/wireframe work through to HTML templates.
Created whilst working for Sagittarius
Large volume traffic website for high profile stadium racing event.
In addition to initial front end build I managed web content and added new functionality during the event.
Created whilst working for Sagittarius / ROC